Holding government's and their agencies accountable to laws is critical to protect the environment. Countless legal cases have been launched against government owned VicForests, halting logging in critical areas and providing interim protections for forests and wildlife under imminent threat from logging. Legal challenges are incredible useful, but the law itself is also complicated.
So, Lawyers for Forests and the Victorian Forest Alliance have joint published a handy, simple guide for community groups wanting to take legal action to protect the environment.
The guide outlines;
- What kind of evidence you might need
- How to find and work with your lawyer
- Risks of litigation
- What you'll need to do during the proceedings
- ...and so much more!
Download Lawyers for Forests and VFA legal guide here!
Part of an environment group looking to take legal action? Contact Lawyers For Forests at [email protected] who can provide referrals for legal advice.